2nd Rumination on Encounter with Mandukya Upanishad and Karika of Guadapada with Sankara’s Commentary

If the sole object be the attainment of the Highest Truth (the supreme goal of existence) the single Upanishad of Mandukya  is sufficient. — Muktlkopanishad The Upanishad (Mandukya) with the Karika embodies in itself the Quintessence of the substance of the entire philosophy of Vedanta —Sankara. Reference: Here Helpful: Here If one journeys to the … Continue reading “2nd Rumination on Encounter with Mandukya Upanishad and Karika of Guadapada with Sankara’s Commentary”

Cultural Epochs

There is nothing that can be said that can do more for understanding the full meaning and purpose of life (enlightenment) than what a finger pointing at the moon can do for ‘seeing’ the moon. Zen proverb It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory … Continue reading “Cultural Epochs”


I just wrote about Aristotle’s statement that all knowledge is knowledge of something. Follow this argument. I know God. Therefore God is a thing. God is in reality not a thing. Therefore, knowledge of God is false knowledge. True understanding of God is not gained through the category of reason. Knowledge (of things) necessarily falls … Continue reading “Categories”

Evolution of History

Some thoughts provoked by Daniel Boorstin*, his chapter on evolution of history. I am rather inclined to think that there is only one absolute truth, the conditio sine qua non, though infinite approaches to that truth are possible. These approaches are mere artifacts, and this is Boorstin, “shards” of mental pottery, transient vessels of aspiration … Continue reading “Evolution of History”